
Enregistrez vos critères de recherche et accédez aux appartements 48h avant tout le monde

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15 years of

+ 2,000 transactions

€3 billion in transactions

Be the first to know

By registering your searching criteria, you gain access to our listings 48 hours before they go online, allowing you to schedule a viewing and make an offer before anyone else.

As soon as one of our apartments matches your search criteria, you will be notified

You will have private access to the listing up to 48 hours before we make the listing public

If you’re not interested, we’ll make the listing public on the usual platforms

Register your buying criteria today and never miss out on any apartments again!

Get access to listings 48 hours before everyone else

Be the first to visit

Make an offer before everyone else

Without competing with other buyers


Why should you register your search criteria

1. You'll gain the upper hand over other buyers by accessing apartments 48 hours before they're listed on property websites

When you register your search criteria, our internal software sends you a notification as soon as we enter an apartment into our database that matches your search criteria.

Once the notifications are sent, we wait 48 hours before publishing the apartment on listing sites to allow you to schedule visits ahead of everyone else and/or make an offer before anyone else.

If you've managed to get a pre-approval from your bank, it's likely that a property owner would prefer to accept your request to close a sale right away rather than waiting.

(On average, a real estate listing is viewed by several hundreds of people during its lifespan, so by registering your buying criteria, you're putting all the odds in your favor of finding the perfect match).

2. All our apartments are of high quality, with some located in sought-after areas of Berlin

90% of our apartments are refreshed before sale, allowing you to move in quickly after purchase.

We do have some exceptions where renovation work is needed, but this represents a tiny portion of our portfolio.

We also have (as you can see from the images) apartments in sought-after locations in Berlin (to which you'll have access 48 hours before their public listing, of course).

3. All our listings have fair and equitable prices

In real estate, sellers want to sell for as much as possible, while buyers aim to pay as little as possible.

At ADEN Immobilien, we strike a balance so that everyone benefits.

To help sellers find buyers quickly, we always aim to set a fair price where the seller can make a profit and the buyer can purchase at an equitable price.

4. We offer virtual tours to make your life easier during the search phase

Without leaving your home, we allow you to take virtual tours from your computer (or smartphone) while being accompanied by a real estate agent.

During these tours, you will have the opportunity to explore the apartment and access all the necessary rooms (apartment rooms as well as common areas of the building).

This way, you can ask all your questions and form an initial opinion without having to leave your home.

You'll avoid unpleasant surprises and save time (traveling, disappointments, bad weather, etc...).

Register your buying criteria in just 1 minute

Other questions you may have

We make sure to limit our communications to important emails only.

This means that we only send you emails when:

  • We have a new project available
  • We have properties that match the search criteria you’ve saved
  • There are changes in the real estate sector that can help you better manage your buying project (new laws, improved lending conditions, etc…)

On average, this amounts to about 1 email every 3 to 4 weeks.

We have chosen not to send too many emails to avoid cluttering our clients’ inboxes.

The best way to succeed in your purchase is to prepare in advance.

For this, we recommend two things:

  • Ensure you obtain a pre-approval to clarify your financing capacity and to provide guarantees to a seller.
  • Start your research as early as possible.

By registering your buying criteria, you can stay informed about available apartments.

What size, in which area, for what average price, with what amenities, etc…

By starting your research even if you don’t plan to buy at the moment, you can gauge the market and get an idea of the available options.

The more you know what to expect, the more successful your buying project will be (it’s also not excluded that you might come across the perfect opportunity, prompting you to buy a little earlier than planned).

First off (and this might be the crux of your question): we don’t sell or distribute your information to third-party companies.

We simply add your details to our client database to fuel two of our services:

1 – Buyer Assistance Service : By providing us with your search criteria and email, we can automatically send you notifications whenever an apartment matches your search criteria 48 hours before we list it on online advertising platforms.

2 – Owner Information Service : We have a form on our website that we offer to owners so they can gauge demand among our clients for an apartment like theirs.

We’ve ensured that this form only returns the number of potentially interested buyers, meaning your contact details are never passed on to those filling out the form.

Register your buying criteria in just 1 minute »

Our customer reviews

Since our opening in 2009, we've accumulated over 346 customer reviews with an average rating of 4.93 out of 5 (without cheating unlike some agencies).

Mario Michael Schmidt
Mario Michael Schmidt
15 Novembre 2023
Ich möchte meine außerordentlich positive Erfahrung mit Aden Immobilien und insbesondere mit Herrn Ole Eggerss teilen. Von Anfang an hat die Zusammenarbeit mit dieser Immobilienfirma meine Erwartungen übertroffen. Der Erstkontakt mit Herrn Eggerss war äußerst professionell und zugleich herzlich. Er nahm sich ausführlich Zeit, um meine individuellen Bedürfnisse zu verstehen und mir das Leistungsangebot von Aden Immobilien detailliert zu erläutern. Seine umfassende Kenntnis des Immobilienmarktes und sein feines Gespür für Kundenwünsche haben mich beeindruckt. Während des gesamten Prozesses der Immobiliensuche bis zur Übergabe stand mir Herr Eggerss stets mit Rat und Tat zur Seite. Seine Zuverlässigkeit und sein Engagement gaben mir stets das Gefühl, in besten Händen zu sein. Aden Immobilien und insbesondere Herr Eggerss haben den Weg zum Traumhaus zu einem unvergesslichen Erlebnis gemacht. Was mich besonders beeindruckt hat, ist die kontinuierliche Betreuung auch nach Vertragsabschluss. Aden Immobilien legt großen Wert darauf, dass ihre Kunden nicht nur bis zur Übergabe, sondern auch darüber hinaus bestmöglich begleitet werden. Bei eventuellen Fragen oder Anliegen steht das Team stets zur Verfügung, was ein beruhigendes Gefühl der Kontinuität vermittelt. Ich kann Aden Immobilien uneingeschränkt empfehlen und möchte mich an dieser Stelle herzlich bei Herrn Ole Eggerss für seine herausragende Arbeit bedanken. Sein Engagement und seine Fachkenntnisse haben den Immobilienkauf zu einer rundum positiven Erfahrung gemacht.
Fam. A.
Fam. A.
17 Octobre 2023
Unsere Erfahrung mit ADEN's Immobilienmaklerin Fr. Robina Henicke: in jeder Hinsicht TOP !!! Kommunikation: offen und direkt. Art: unkompliziert und zuverlässig. Genau, wie man es als Kunde für eine vertrauensvolle Zusammenarbeit braucht. Besten Dank!
Hjalti Þór
Hjalti Þór
5 Octobre 2023
About a month ago my partner and I had a very positive experience with Ole Eggerss from ADEN. From the very beginning the communication was clear and he speaks excellent English. He was punctual, honest and extremely helpful. He helped us make sure we invested in a bright future and is still available to this day to assist us. Thank you. -Hjalti and Ale
2 Octobre 2023
I highly recommend this agency and Robina Henicke. She is not the usual type of agent and will go out of her way to make things work. I recommend them 100%.
Mélanie Sursin
Mélanie Sursin
6 Septembre 2023
Florence et Olivier m'ont accompagnée tout au long du processus de vente. La vente s'est faite très rapidement et ils m'ont tout expliquer en détails. Ils ont aussi pris le temps de répondre à mes questions par email et par téléphone. Je les recommande très vivement.
Alexander Kühn
Alexander Kühn
28 Août 2023
Wir sind sehr zufrieden mit ADEN Immobilien. Speziellen Dank an unseren Makler Ole Eggerss, der uns von Anfang an hervorragend beraten hat. Klare Empfehlung!
Ein Camper
Ein Camper
13 Juillet 2023
Hier könnten andere Makler einen Kurs belegen und lernen, was Professionalität und Einsatzbereitschaft bedeutet.
29 Juin 2023
Ich habe Aden Immobilien gewählt, weil mir die Atmosphäre im Maklerbüro so gut gefallen hat. Unkompliziert, freundlich, gut erreichbar, nicht abgehoben, engagiert und trotzdem unaufdringlich. Passt einfach in die heutige Zeit. Ich habe über Aden Immobilien verkauft und gekauft und es hat alles gut funktioniert. Vielen Dank!
Holger Hassel
Holger Hassel
26 Mars 2023
Professionell! Aussagekräftiges Angebot, weitere detaillierte Informationen, unkomplizierte, verlässliche Terminabsprache und Beratung vor Ort. Danke für das Engagement und den schnellen Service.
Tuesday Bassen
Tuesday Bassen
10 Mars 2023
Great experience with Mathilde and Michael! Made the whole process so swift and easy. ❤️‍🔥
Register your buying criteria in just 1 minute

Who are we ?

A few years after meeting during their business studies in 1998, David Nguyen (on the right) and Arnaud Schott (on the left) decided to embark on a real estate project in Berlin.

It was at this moment that they realized how difficult it was to access the real estate market for someone who was not German.

In 2008, David and Arnaud decided to create ADEN Immobilien to assist French speakers in investing or settling in Berlin.

In 2010, Lars Drewes (in the middle) joined our team as a partner.

For more than 15 years now, ADEN Immobilien has grown significantly and continues to assist you in each of your projects with the same passion.

Today, we are the number one Franco-German agency with 4 offices in Berlin (including one in Paris) and an international team of 20 real estate professionals available to assist you from A to Z in your projects (sale, purchase, rental, or building division).

Thanks to you, we are recognized as one of the best agencies in Berlin and we win numerous real estate awards every year both in Germany (Capital, Focus, …) and in France (Excellence Property Partners Award).

However, our greatest trophy remains your nearly 400 Google reviews that you have left us over the years, which narrate how we have been able to assist you during the different stages of your life.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at the following coordinates and we will be happy to assist you.

The ADEN Immobilien team.

Arnaud Schott


Lars Drewes

Associate & Sales Manager

David Nguyen


Florence Holz

Customer Relations Manager

Andres Islas

Rental Manager

Anita Klimczyk

Office Manager

Ulrike Siebert

Marketing Director

Alice Thion

Project Manager

Olivier Montero

Real estate agent

Isabelle Goncalves

Real estate agent

Julian Strehblow

Real estate agent

Michael Bautz

Real estate agent

Cihan Selmo

Real estate agent

Jeannette Zentel-Schertlin

Real estate agent

Ole Eggerss

Independent real estate agent

Register your buying criteria in just 1 minute